Accident Prevention Reminders

SAFETY TOPIC: Accident Prevention:

  • Clean up spills and remove trip hazards ASAP.

  • Wear safety equipment appropriate to your activity. These can include: hard hats, gloves, eye wear, and ear plugs, and substantial footwear. Some of these items are provided by our company.

  • Keep electrical items in good repair; do not use electrical equipment while standing or kneeling on wet surfaces.

  • Wear appropriate clothing: long or short sleeve shirts (no tank tops), long pants and suitable footwear. All loose clothing and hair must be tied up or secured while working around equipment. It is very dangerous to have loose clothing or hair exposed! 

REFERENCE: WAC 296-155-110

FREQUENCY: Annual training required.

SAFETY MEETING QUESTION (answer required as attendance at this Safety Meeting): What was the last thing you did to stay safe on the job?

Text this answer to your supervisor if participating in text safety meetings.

Shaina Longstreet