June is Ladder Safety Awareness Month

SAFETY ACTIVITY: Inspect all ladders in building and trucks . Inspect before use for physical defects. Use a ladder with proper weight load for the job. Do not paint ladders except for numbering purposes. Do not use ladders for skids, braces, workbenches, or any purpose other than climbing.

Watch Ladder Inspection Training Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UYAUySFI8q4

SUPERVISORS:  Remove and tag any ladder that does not pass your ladder inspection.   Use a ladder inspection form to document ladder inspections.

REFERENCE: WAC 296-876-15005

FREQUENCY: Initial and as needed.

SAFETY MEETING QUESTION (answer required as attendance at this Safety Meeting): What should you do with a ladder that is defective?

Text this answer to your supervisor if participating in text safety meetings.

Ladder Inspection.png
Shaina Longstreet